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Books by Emanuel Swedenborg

Angelic Wisdom About Divine Providence; Paperback; 1996

Angelic wisdom concerning the divine love and the divine wisdom; Hardcover; 1999; $10.00

Angelic Wisdom Concerning Divine Providence; Hardcover; 1996; $18.00

The Animal Kingdom; Hardcover; 1960; $30.80

Apocalypse Explained: According to the Spiritual Sense in Which the Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed Are Revealed: A Posthumous Work; Hardcover; 1997

Apocalypse Explained: According to the Spiritual Sense in Which the Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed Are Revealed: A Posthumous Work Vol 5; Hardcover; 1994; $18.00

Apocalypse Explained: According to the Spiritual Sense in Which the Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed Are Revealed: A Posthumous Work Vol 4; Hardcover; 1996; $18.00

Apocalypse Explained: According to the Spiritual Sense in Which the Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed Are Revealed: A Posthumous Work Vol 5; Hardcover; 1994

Apocalypse Revealed; Paperback; 1981; $10.95

The Apocalypse Revealed: Wherein Are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold Which Have Hitherto Remained Concealed; Paperback; 1997

The Apocalypse Revealed: Wherein Are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold Which Have Hitherto Remained Concealed; Hardcover; 1997

Awaken from Death; Paperback; 1990; $6.95

A Brief View Of The Heavenly Doctrines Concerning Marriage, The Life Of Man After Death And The Second Advent 1828; Paperback; 2004; $24.95

Charity: The Practice of Neighborliness; Paperback; 1995; $5.56

Conjugal Love; Hardcover; 1979; $12.00

Conjugial Love: Delights of Wisdom Relating to Conjugial Love Followed by Pleasures of Insanity Relating to Licentious Love; Hardcover; 1995

Conversations With Angels: What Swedenborg Heard in Heaven; Paperback; 1996; $10.36

Debates With Devils: What Swedenborg Heard in Hell; Paperback; 2000; $10.36

The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugal Love After Which Follow the Pleasures of Insanity Pertaining to Promiscuous Love; Hardcover; 1998; $20.00

Divine Love and Wisdom; Paperback; 2003; $10.20

Divine Providence; Emanuel Swedenborg; Paperback; 2003; $10.20

Emanuel Swedenborg's Diary, Recounting Spiritual Experiences During the Years 1745 to 1765; Hardcover; 1999; $15.00

The Five Senses (The Animal Kingdom Series, Part 3); Hardcover; 1976; $14.95

Four Doctrines; Paperback; 1971; $2.95

Four Doctrines: With the Nine Questions; Hardcover; 1998; $20.00

Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church, 1909; Paperback; 1998; $19.95

Heaven and Hell; Hardcover; 1995; $18.00

Heaven and Hell and Its Wonders Drawn from Things Heard & Seen; Paperback; 2001; $10.20 (The most contemporary translation)

Heaven & Hell, Divine Love & Wisdom, Divine Providence; Paperback; 1996; $31.96

The Heavenly City: A Spiritual Guidebook; Paperback; 1993; $11.95

Heavenly Doctrine of the Lord, 1881; Paperback; 1998; $17.95

Heavenly Secrets Arcana Caelestia Vol 1; Paperback; 1990; $3.95

The Last Judgment in Retrospect: From De Ultimo Judicio Et De Babylonia Destructa; Paperback; 1996; $6.36

Love in Marriage: A Translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's the Sensible Joy in Married Love, and the Foolish Pleasures of Illicit Love; Paperback; 1992; $24.95

Married Love: Delights of Wisdom Relating to Married Love Followed by Pleasures of Insanity Relating to Licentious Love; Hardcover; 1995

Married Love: Delights of Wisdom Relating to Married Love Followed by Pleasures of Insanity Relating to Licentious Love; Hardcover; 1995

Married Love: Delights of Wisdom Relating to Married Love Followed by Pleasures of Insanity Relating to Licentious Love; Paperback; 1995

Miscellaneous Observations Connected With the Physical Sciences; Hardcover; 1976; $12.95

Miscellaneous Theological Works; Hardcover; 1996; $18.00

Miscellaneous Theological Works; Hardcover; 1982; $10.00

The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine; Paperback; 1997; $9.95

Posthumous Theological Works Vol 1; Hardcover; 1996; $32.00 (Back Ordered)

Posthumous Theological Works; Hardcover; 1986; $20.00

Posthumous Theological Works Vol 2; Hardcover; 1996; $32.00

Rational Psychology: A Posthumous Work Written in 1742; Hardcover; 2000

Scientific and Philosophical Treaties, 1716-1740; Hardcover; 1991; $25.00

Swedenborg's Journal of Dreams, 1743-1744; Paperback; 1990; $9.00

A Thoughtful Soul: Reflections from Swedenborg; Paperback; 1996; $9.56

Three Small Works; Paperback; 1997

True Christian Religion; Paperback; 1997; $15.60

True Christian Religion Vol 2; Hardcover; 1984; $12.00

The True Christian Religion: Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church Foretold by the Lord in Daniel 7:13, 14, and Revelation 21:1, 2; Paperback; 1997; $15.60

The True Christian Religion: Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church Foretold by the Lord in Daniel 7:13, 14, and Revelation 21:1, 2; Hardcover; 1997; $12.60

Way of Wisdom: Meditations on Love and Service; Paperback; 1999; $8.95

The Worship and Love of God: In Three Parts; Hardcover; 1997; $11.53

Camena Borea; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)

Charity, or, The practice of neighborliness; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)

Heaven and hell; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)

Heaven on Earth; Paperback; 1990 (Out of Print)

Miscellaneous theological works of Emanuel Swedenborg; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)

A New Theory About the Retardation of the Earth; Paperback; 1959 (Out of Print)

Small theological works and letters of Emanuel Swedenborg; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)

Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg; Textbook Binding; 1987 (Out of Print)

Caveat Emptor: The market is being flooded by unauthorized reprints of works by Swedenbord from Kessinger. I am told by booksellers that many customers find the quality of such works objectionable and have returned them. They are not listed on these pages.

Books about Emanuel Swedenborg

Swedenborg: Buddha of the North (Swedenborg Studies, No. 5); Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Tatsuya Nagashima; Hardcover; 1996; $18.95

Schelling and Swedenborg: Mysticism and German Idealism (Swedenborg Studies, No. 6); Friedemann Horn; Hardcover; 1998; $17.95

Schelling and Swedenborg: Mysticism and German Idealism (Swedenborg Studies, No. 6); Friedemann Horn, George F. Dole (Translator); Paperback; 1998; $13.95

Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought (Swedenborg Studies, No. 7); Anders Hallengren, Inge Jonsson; Paperback; 1998; $16.95

Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought (Swedenborg Studies, No. 7); Anders Hallengren, Inge Jonsson (Hardcover; 1998; $24.95

Visionary Scientist: The Effects of Science and Philosophy on Swedenborg's Cosmography (Swedenborg Studies, No. 8); Inge Jonsson; Hardcover; 1999; $24.95

Emanuel Swedenborg: The Development of His Thought (Swedenborg Studies, No. 9); Martin Lamm, et al; Hardcover; 2000; $19.96

Emanuel Swedenborg: The Development of His Thought (Swedenborg Studies, No. 9); Martin Lamm; Paperback; 2001; $18.95

Swedenborg and New Paradigm Science (Swedenborg Studies, No. 10); Ursula Groll, et al; Paperback; 2000; $11.96

Allegories of Genesis; Thomas A. King; Paperback; 1982; $1.95

Angels in Action: What Swedenborg Saw and Heard; Robert H. Kirven; Paperback; 1995; $9.56

Beauty, Wonder, and the Mystical Mind; Wilson Van Dusen; Paperback; 1999; $12.96

Catechism: For the New Christian Church Meant by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation Based on the Teachings of the Seer Emmanuel Swedenborg; John D. Odhner; Hardcover;1996;$8.00

Crystals, Crosses and Chakras: A Woman's Mystical Emergence; Wilma Wake; Paperback; 2000; $11.16

The Design of Existence: Emanation from Source to Creation; Wilson Van Dusen; Paperback; 2001; $12.76

Emanuel Swedenborg: Essays for the New Century Edition on His Life, Work, and Impact (Swedenborg, Emanuel, Works.); Jonathan Rose, et al; Hardcover; 2001; $49.00

Emanuel Swedenborg - The Spiritual Columbus: A Sketch by U.S.E; William U.S.E. Spear (Editor), Paul Tice Paperback; 2000; $14.36

Emanuel Swedenborg: The Universal Human and Soul-Body Interaction; George F. Dole (Editor);Paperback; 1984; $22.95

Emanuel Swedenborg: Visionary Savant in the Age of Reason; Ernst Benz; Hardcover; 2002; $23.10

Light in My Darkness; Helen Keller, Ray Silverman; Paperback; 2000; $11.10

The Listening Threads: The Formal Cosmology of Emanuel Swedenborg; Norman Newton; Hardcover; 2000; $24.95

Natural Depth in Man; Wilson Van Dusen; Paperback; 1972; $8.05

The Nature of Spirit, and of Man as a Spiritual Being; Chauncey Giles; Paperback; 1997; $5.95

Presence of Other Worlds; Wilson Van Dusen; Paperback; 1974; $9.95

Providence and Free Will in Human Actions ;Daniel W. Goodenough ;Paperback; 1986; $7.95

Returning to the Source: The Way to the Experience of God; Wilson Van Dusen; Hardcover; 1997;

Returning to the Source: The Way to the Experience of God; Wilson Van Dusen; Paperback; 1997; $13.50

A Scientist Explores Spirit: A Biography of Emanuel Swedenborg With Key Concepts of His Theology; George F. Dole, Robert H. Kirven (Contributor); Paperback; 1997; $10.95

Scribe of Heaven: Swedenborg's Life, Work, and Impact (Swedenborg, Emanuel, Works.); Stuart Shotwell, Jonathan S. Rose; Paperback; 2002; $12.00

Spirituality That Makes Sense; Douglas Taylor; Paperback; 2000; $14.95

Tunnel To Eternity: Beyond Near-Death; Leon S. Rhodes; Paperback; 1997; $12.95

Visionary Consciousness: Emanuel Swedenborg and the Immanence of Spiritual Reality; Jose A Anton, Robert E Shillenn (Translator); Paperback; 2001; $9.95

Visionary Scientist: The Effects of Science and Philosophy on Swedenborg's Cosmography (Swedenborg Studies, No. 8); Inge Jonsson; Paperback; 1999; $17.95

Words of Spirit and Life: The Spiritual Meaning of the Sermon on; Leonard Fox; Paperback; 1997; $7.95


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